Dominium terrae book

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Book to the exhibition

Dominium terrae Buchumschlag 400b.jpg

dominium terrae

Vier Landschaftsexperimente
Four Landscape Experiments

Book to the exhibition by Bob Braine, Tue Greenfort, Klara Hobza, Till Krause, Falk Wolf.
Texts by Petra Lange-Berndt, Lars Bratke, Günther Dupuis, Till Krause, Josef Wiengarten, and Falk Wolf.

Editors: Falk Wolf and Till Krause with the Galerie für Landschaftskunst for the Bischöflich Münstersche Offizialat

German / English
128 pages, 158 images, 21 x 28 cm
I S B N 978-3-946770-16-9
19,80 EUR (D)


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